How do YOU measure success? Some people measure success by affluence or status. Some women measure their success by how they do against the men in the business world or by how many children they have. I am tempted to measure my success as a Mom by how well behaved my children are in public. And I measure their behavior by my standards, not by that nice stranger's who tells me how nicely behaved my children are as they go through the grocery store singing at the top of their lungs. I measure my success as a housewife by the amount of clutter on my counters, how many meals could be eaten by a small child off my floor (or how well you could grow a garden in all the mud that's been traipsed in), AND by how long the counters, flooors, etc., have looked the way they do now. Meeting my own standards can be very discouraging. So discouraging that I often just give up on maintaining any semblance of order in my home or life. I am learning to set smaller, more attainable goals. This week I am happy when I at least have the dishwasher and washing machines running by naptime. Somedays making sure that everyone has clothes on and gets fed 3 meals-hot or cold- is the most realistic goal I can set for myself.
What is God's measure of success for someone who follows Him? Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength" and "Love your neighbor as yourself." -Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30-31, Luke 10:27 God told the prophet in ancient times, "He has shown you, oh mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God" Micah 10:37 Put God first, love your fellow man (little ones and big ones), and realize that you WILL make mistakes and not measure up to God's standards or your own, and then accept God's love and forgiveness for your shortcomings, and keep pluggin' along!