Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday Confessions

"Good Baptists" don't DO confession. But maybe we SHOULD! We are told in 1John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He (Jesus) is faithful & just to forgive us our sins…" James 5:16 commands us to "Confess your faults one to another, pray for one another…". 

Here's my confession. I don't belong in church today. I am tired, overwhelmed, frustrated, angry. Jesus said, "Out of the heart the mouth speaks." My weariness & frustration is spewing out all over the sweet, innocent people around me, & I am making their lives miserable. How can I teach my 2s&3s class to be patient & kind & not throw temper tantrums when Miss Anna herself threw a tanrtum and is not being kind and loving?

But church is EXACTLY where I need to be today! I need to be surrounded by other Believers. I need to hear God's Word. I need to be reminded of my sinfulness & waywardness. I need to be reminded that "Jesus Loves Me", as I sing with my 2s&3s class. I need to be reminded that Jesus forgives me. I need to hear that God wants me to go from here and keep working on being the person He wants me to be. I need to hear that He gives me strength. I need reminded that even though I have shamed my God by my actions & attitudes, He wants me to do my best to bring Him honor & glory from this moment forward. 

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